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Public Luxury

Franklin County needs a bathhouse

Much of the year, we’re blessed with plentiful outdoor swimming holes, ponds, & rivers where we can gather together and enjoy the water.
But sometimes it’s too damn cold.

Your bathroom sucks

When’s the last time you took a bath in your house? No matter how swanky your shower, the best options for our homes still cost a fortune and pale in comparison to a proper bathhouse.

Your tub is gross and your knees are cold, it’s time for something better.

Sounds great, where is it?

It doesn’t exist yet, and I’m tired of waiting for someone else to make it. I’m imagining a cooperatively owned, centrally located, communal bathhouse for Franklin County, MA. There’s no shortage of interest, and we need to start talking about how to make it a reality.

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No promises on when we’ll write – we need a critical mass of interested folks in order to start work.

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